Wednesday, March 27, 2013 – 1:00 PM
Meeting Room, Best Western Hotel, 1200 N. 8th, Stroud, OK 74079

“Report, discussion and appropriate action, if any, on the following:”

Consent AGENDA

  1. Approval of Regular Board Minutes of February 27, 2013

Regular AGENDA

  1. Chair’s Report
  2. Medical Director’s Report
  3. An Executive Session of the Board of Trustees, as authorized by Title 25, Section 307 B.7 of the Oklahoma Statutes, for the purpose of reviewing and discussing information furnished by potential proposers to EMSA, in order to establish minimum qualifications to submit proposals for ambulance services, the disclosure of which information would violate confidentiality requirements of state or federal law
  4. After a return by the Board of Trustees to the public meeting, vote upon any item of business which concerns the confidential information reviewed and discussed during the Executive Session
  5. Determination of qualification or non-qualification of potential proposers to submit proposals for ambulance services
  6. Appointment of RFP 2013 Selection Committee
  7. Timeline for and amendments to the 2013 RFP and current contract between EMSA and Paramedics Plus to ensure EMSA is responsible for all tax exempt transactions
  8. Implementation of Recommendations from the State Audit Report
  9. President’s Report
    1. Compliance and Exclusion Reports
    2. KPI’s – Control Charts
  10. Chief Financial Officer’s Report
  11. New Business
  12. Trustees’ Reports
  13. Next Meeting – Wednesday, April 24, 2013 – 1:00 PM via video conference – EMSA Administrative Offices, 1111 Classen Drive, Oklahoma City, OK 73103 (Western Division) and 1417 N. Lansing Ave., Tulsa, OK 74106 (Eastern Division)
  14. Adjourn