EMSA Legal, Ethics and Public Relations Committee Meeting
Wednesday, April 19, 2017 – 12:00 p.m.
1111 Classen Dr., Oklahoma City, OK
1417 N. Lansing Ave., Tulsa, OK

“Report, discussion and appropriate action, if any, on the following:”

Regular AGENDA

  1. New Policies to be Reviewed
    1. Vendor Compliance
    2. Patient Grievance Policy
    3. Complaint Compliance
    4. Contract Compliance
    5. Facility Contract Compliance
      1. Hospice Facility Templace
      2. Nursing Home-SNF Template
      3. Hospital Tempalte
    6. Contract Requirement Compliance
    7. Compliance Committee Policy
    8. Signature Policy
  2. Existing Policies for Update
    1. EMSA Code of Conduct
    2. Purchasing Policy
  3. Sole Source Contracts for Review
    1. NICE 56 Channel Inform Recording System
    2. Total Radio
    3. Cloverleaf Integration Bundle